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Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun

Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun


A list of dates with celestial and NASA events related to Sun-Earth Connection, 2006-2007.

  • October 28, 2006, NASA Mission Launch: STEREO
  • September 22, 2006, Annular Solar Eclipse
  • September 22, 2006, Japan/US/UK Mission Launch: Solar-B
  • September 23, 2006, Fall Equinox, equal hours of daylight and night
  • November 8, 2006, Transit of Mercury
  • December 22, 2006, Winter Solstice, least hours of daylight
  • January 2007, NASA Mission Launch: THEMIS
  • March 20, 2007, Spring Equinox, equal hours of daylight and night
  • April 23, 2007, STEREO Press Conference and live broadcasts from GSFC and JPL
  • April 25, 2007, NASA Mission Launch: AIM
  • June 21, 2007, Summer Solstice, most hours of daylight
  • September 11, 2007, Partial Solar Eclipse
  • September 23, 2007, Fall Equinox, equal hours of daylight and night
  • December 22, 2007, Winter Solstice, least hours of daylight
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Space Weather Fact

The most powerful solar flare in the last 500 years occurred on September 2, 1859 and was sighted by two astronomers who happened to be looking at the sun at exactly the right time!

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