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Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun

Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun


Welcome to the Sun-Earth Day page for Educators. We are committed to providing you with the essential materials needed to help your students see our sun in a different light!


This section has been specifically designed for you, the educator. You will find lesson plans for grades K-5, 6-8 and 9-12. You will also find other helpful web resources and educational hooks that demonstrate how today's technological marvels in solar viewing were built upon the foundation left by our ancestors.

To enhance your lessons visit the Multimedia Center where we have placed a variety of exciting materials including interactive children's books, multimedia viewers, games and our new interactive timeline called, "Sun Watchers Through Time".

Now just sit back, fasten your seatbelts and enjoy your journey through time!



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Space Weather Action Centers
Space Weather Action Centers
By following the basic steps in the Instructional Guide your class will soon be on its way to accessing, analyzing and recording NASA satellite and observatory data.


Space Weather Fact

A typical CME can be millions of kilometers in size, but have the mass of only a small mountain!

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