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Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun

Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun

Join us as we experience again the excitement and wonder of a celestial event that has captured mankind's imagination for thousands of years!


Welcome Amateur Astronomers!

The first amateur astronomers might be said to be the first people who looked up and wondered about the sun, the most prominent, dynamic, and visually powerful object in the heavens. What is it made of? How does it shine? And what are its effects on the Earth, the solar system, and our daily lives?

As skilled sky observers and students of astronomy, you can help others answer these questions and give them a better understanding of the role the sun plays in our existence. For Sun Earth Day 2007, our theme is "Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun". Through this year's program, we will join millions of scientists, amateurs, students, teachers, and general public around the world in celebrating IHY, the International Heliophysical Year. We would like to hold as many star/sun parties as possible, in as many locations on the planet as possible highlighting the sun and the heliosphere.

So, this year's AA Challenge will be to hold a star/sun party focusing on the sun, its atmosphere, and the effects it has on the solar system and to give a public talk on the sun.

Requirements for the 2007 Sun Earth Day Observing Certificate are:

  1. Hold a sun/star party for at least 50 people showing the sun through projection methods or direct viewing through properly filtered solar telescopes.
  2. Host some kind of activity at the star/sun party to explain some aspect of the sun and/or heliosphere such as making solar cookies, demonstrations of electricity and magnetism, etc.
  3. Give a public talk on the sun of at least 30 minute duration. You could add it to your star/sun party or give it in a local school, boy/girl scout meeting, etc.
  4. Send us at least one picture of your event(s) for posting on the Sun Earth Day web site. Include your name, club name (if applicable), and location including lat/lon. We will put a dot on a world map for each star/sun party and post it on the web site.

Once you have completed these requirements, you may download your certificate (available in the very near future)

Please join us as we experience again the excitement and wonder that has captured mankind's imagination for thousands of years.


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By registering you will receive our monthly Sun-Earth Day e-news.


After School Astronomy Club
After School Astronomy Club
After School Astronomy Clubs provide students, families, and even whole communities with a unique opportunity to experience the wonders of astronomy outside of the traditional school day.


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Amateur Astronomers


Space Weather Fact

Solar flares can sometimes heat the solar surface to temperatures of 80 million °F - far hotter that the sun's core!

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