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Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun

Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun


Sun-Earth Day Kit Thumbnail
Sun-Earth Day Kit
This year's Sun-Earth Day Kit is now on-line and will help you prepare for the March 29th total solar eclipse! In the kit you will find a variety of educational products designed to enhance your knowledge about total solar eclipses and why we still study them today.
Sun-Earth Day Flyer Thumbnail
Sun-Earth Day Flyer
Use this flyer to provide your audience with Sun-Earth Day's purpose, key understandings and website information.
+ SED 2007 Home

Promotional Materials


Space Weather Fact

Solar flares can sometimes heat the solar surface to temperatures of 80 million °F - far hotter that the sun's core!

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