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Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun

Sun-Earth Day 2007 presents: Living in the Atmosphere of the Sun


STEREO video frame capture
Introduction to the STEREO Mission
When the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) launches in Summer 2006, scientists expect to gain a better understanding of solar storms and improve warning times for everyone from satellite operators to astronauts.
Blackout video capture
"Blackout: The Sun-Earth Connection" (Part 1 of 6)
"Blackout" takes you on a journey from the Sun to the Earth as eruptions known as solar storms travel to Earth and effect our lives in ways we still don't completely understand. 3-D animations bring to life the journey, through 150 million kilometers of space, of these outbursts of "space weather". Part 1: Our Active Sun
"Blackout: The Sun-Earth Connection" (Part 2 of 6)
Part 2: Solar Storms and Power Systems
"Blackout: The Sun-Earth Connection" (Part 3 of 6)
Part 3: The Solar Wind and the Earth
"Blackout: The Sun-Earth Connection" (Part 4 of 6)
Part 4: When Solar Plasma Distorts Earth's Magnetic Field


Traditions of the Sun Thumbnail
Traditions of the Sun
This on-line book, contains information about an ancient petroglyph found in Chaco Canyon that may be a record of an eclipse! (see pages 24-25)
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Space Weather Fact

The August 4, 1972 solar flare was so powerful that, by some estimates, a spacesuited astronaut would have received a lethal does of radiation.

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