On May 2nd through the 6th, 2016, Planetary Scientists will partner with the Sun-Earth Day team to bring you the latest information and science about our solar system's smallest planets, Mercury and Mars! Then on Friday, May 6th, our small worlds experts will be online to answer your questions.
Join the fun on Friday, May 6th! From noon to 4pm (EDT), our planetary scientists will be online to answer your questions through Facebook or Twitter (#NASASWW). We'll be collecting your questions until then, so send them in now!
Submit your questions now on Facebook and Twitter.
Only slightly larger than Earth's moon, Mercury is the smallest planet, even smaller than Jupiter's moon, Ganymede...
Asteroids, also called "minor planets" or "planetoids" are small, rocky, airless worlds left over from the formation of planets...
In the depths of the dark, frigid outer solar system, sub surface oceans have been confirmed within many of the moons of...
Small, icy worlds, orbiting largely outside the orbit of Neptune, in highly elliptical orbits....
The March 13, 1989 Quebec blackout, the result of a major geomagnetic storm, caused a $6 billion loss to the Canadian economy.