Sun-Earth Days now has its own YouTube channel, don't forget to subscribe!
This Flash-based viewer allows you to view real-time NASA satellite images of the Sun and the Earth. Near real-time images from a variety of NASA satellites and ground-based observatories are presented. Enjoy zooming and panning the images! A scale tool with the size of the Earth is also presented with the solar images.
The Sun-Earth Days team will keep you updated and informed with the latest news and events through the Sun-Earth Days podcasts subcription.
This new experiential Web site lets you explore Chaco Canyon and the Yucatan to learn about NASA research on the Sun and solar practices within a larger historical and cultural context.
Take a solar walk through time with this Flash-based Interactive Timeline.
On April 8, 1947, the largest sunspot in modern history reached its maximum size of over 330 times Earth's area.