National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Ancient Mysteries, Future Discoveries


Audio Podcasts for 2011

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A Podcast is a collection of audio or video content that's powered by subscription software called RSS. Just like a magazine automatically gets delivered to your home when you subscribe, a podcast delivers new content directly to you -- without you having to check on the Web site for updates.

Interview with Barry Mauk

Interview with Barry Mauk

Today on the Sun Earth Day podcast we're talking to Barry Mauk who is a scientist who works at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab. This lab is one of many throughout the world that help build instruments and spacecraft for NASA missions.

Interview with David Smith

Interview with David Smith

Dave Smith is a physicist at the University of California at Berkeley, and he uses a solar mission called RHESSI to study the dynamics of lightning in the clouds over Earth. I was able to talk with Smith at the 10th RHESSI workshop.

Interview with Bob Lin

Interview with Bob Lin

In today's sun-earth day podcast we talk to Bob Lin who is an astrophysicist at the University of California, Berkeley who says that solar flares send out more than just energy.

Interview with Brian Dennis and Gordon Holman

Interview with Brian Dennis and Gordon Holman

In today's podcast we will hear from 2 astrophysicists at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center,Brian Dennis and Gordon Holman.

Interview with a Scientist

Interview with David Young

David Young is a physicist at Southwest Research Institute who has spent his whole career working on missions like the upcoming Magnetospheric Multiscale, or MMS, to study what scientists call plasma.

Interview with a Scientist

Introduction to IBEX

In today's podcast we'll hear from 2 NASA scientists who work directly with a spacecraft called IBEX.

Sun-Earth Day 2011 Alert

Sun-Earth Day Alert! Exciting News about the STEREO mission

The two satellites known as the STEREO mission are moving into a very exciting position around the Sun on Feb 6th.

Sun-Earth Day 2011 Interview with Roy Torbert

Sun-Earth Day 2011 Interview with Roy Torbert of the MMS spacecraft Mission

Join us for today's podcast as we interview Roy Torbert, and learn about the instruments aboard the MMS spacecraft mission.

Sun-Earth Day 2011 Interview with Tom Moore

Sun-Earth Day 2011 Interview with Tom Moore of the MMS Mission

In today's podcast we will hear from Tom Moore, the Project Scientist for the MMS Mission.

Sun-Earth Day 2011 Podcast Launch

Sun-Earth Day 2011 Launch

In today's podcast We'll fill you in about the new theme and all of the exciting new things that we have planned.

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A Podcast is a collection of audio or video content that's powered by subscription software called RSS. Just like a magazine automatically gets delivered to your home when you subscribe, a podcast delivers new content directly to you -- without you having to check on the Web site for updates.

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