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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Day 2009: Our Sun Yours to Discover.

Sun-Earth Day 2009: Our Sun Yours to Discover


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To subscribe to the SED podcast feed, see instructions. In this feed you will find ALL of our podcasts including video podcasts (often called vodcasts). For your convenience we have listed this year's podcasts, transcripts and mp3 files below.

Send Your Feedback

If there is something you would like to hear in our podcasts or a topic you think would be interesting, please send your suggestions and feedback to Troy Cline at Please make the subject of your email "Podcast Feedback".


Sun-Earth Day Alert
Sun-Earth Alert
Over the past week we have seen an increase in activity on the surface of the Sun. Join us with Joe Gurman, a NASA Solar Physicist, as he explains what is happening in these active regions. - posted May 17, 2009
Technology Through Time Highlights
Sun-Earth Day Technology Through Time Highlights
Dr. Sten Odenwald, the chief author and editor of the Sun-Earth Day Technology Though Time series, discusses the last four articles in the series. - posted May 13, 2009
Time Capsule Podcast
Time Capsule: A look back at the Science Through Culture Workshop in Utah.
Today we take a look back at one of our most popular podcasts, the Science Through Culture workshop in Utah. - posted April 13th, 2009
Technology Through Time Highlight
Sun-Earth Day Technology Through Time Highlights
In today's podcast we'll be hearing from Dr. Sten Odenwald, the chief author and editor of the Sun-Earth Day Technology Though Time series. Sten will fill us in on the 65th Technology Through Time mystery, "Surface Temperature and Spectral Class". - posted January 19th, 2009
The Spirit of the Aurora
Sun-Earth Day Highlights – Team Talk
This year's main event will be on March 20, 2009. Sun-Earth Day is comprised of a series of programs and events that occur throughout the year culminating with a celebration on or near the Spring Equinox. - posted November 17th, 2008
The Spirit of the Aurora
The Spirit of the Aurora!
For this Halloween we've decided to give you a very special treat! Jordan Hill is back with a creepy story about the Aurora, and a spooky shack - posted October 30th, 2008
Technology Through Time Highlight
Sun-Earth Day Highlights: Interview with Lou Mayo
In today's podcast we'll talk with Lou Mayo about a new eclipse based activity that he designed specifically for the Amateur Astronomer section of the Sun-Earth Day website. The title of that activity is the, "NASA Lunar Parallax Challenge". He'll also explain how to start your own After School Astronomy Club. - posted July 31st, 2008
Technology Through Time Highlight
Sun-Earth Day Technology Through Time Highlights
In today's show Sten will talk about the latest Technology Through Time Mystery called, "Eclipse!". He'll also touch on how our ideas about eclipses have changed over the centuries. - posted July 30th, 2008



If there is something you would like to hear in our podcasts or a topic you think would be interesting, please send your suggestions and feedback to Troy Cline at Please make the subject of your email "Podcast Feedback".


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