During the webcast, scientists Eric Christian, Nicky Fox, Terry Kucera and Sten Odenwald shared discoveries about the sun, while students monitored the sun and prepared their own space weather forecast. Hosted by Troy Cline and Paul Mortfield. - posted March 27, 2009
Join us as we explore the Top Five Solar Discoveries. - posted March 16, 2009
NASA Astronomer, Dr. Sten Odenwald explains the blackout of 1989 and its effects. At the end of the video we are treated to a fantastic interview with Troy, the NASA Edge crew, and Dr. Sten Odenwald - posted March 13, 2009
Astronomers have studied solar flares for the last century but only in the last 50 years have their impacts to radiation and communications technologies become more than just a nuance to just be endured. - posted November 19th, 2008
You know you're not supposed to stare at the sun, but who could resist a peek at this? A new NASA spacecraft called the Solar Dynamics Observatory, or SDO, will deliver startling images of the sun with ten times more detail than HDTV. - posted November 17th, 2008
Learn why our poles are so important to study when it comes to exploring other planets.
Learn more about auroras on other planets in our solar system. Join us for a beautiful Polar Sunrise; then experience a trip through the tundra as we search for aurora!
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Gemini 12 witnessed a total solar eclipse in 1966 and the International Space Station, in 2006. The Hubble Space Telescope will be aimed at the moon to detect dips in brightness during the 2012 transit of Venus. The Solar Dynamic Observatory will capture the Sun during the 2012 transit in unprecedented detail.