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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Magnetic Storms.

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Magnetic Storms


Dancing Lights
Dancing Lights provides a set of five activities that allows students in Grades 3 through 5 to explore the beauty, science and mythology of the aurora creatively through art and writing. Developed through the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics. Authors: Emiy CoBabe-Ammann, Erin Wood, Therese Possel, and Kate Becker
Why do Magnets Work?
Basic magnetism for the grades K-2. This Activity demonstrates whether or not a magnet can pick up objects.
Create an Edible Model of the Sun
Studying Our Scintillating Sun: Students will construct an edible model of the Sun denoting surface and interior feature.
The Sun: An Introduction
This lesson introduces the topic of the Sun. Students also begin making entries in their Science Journals.
Our Star: The Sun
This is a unit on the Sun that includes a step by step investigation for the younger student to understand our place in the solar system, using relative size and scaling, rotation and revolution and a number of assessment tools. The individual lessons contain work sheets to give on-going feedback on student comprehension.
Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)
The Galileo Project is a source of information on the life and work of Galileo Galilei (1564-1642). Our aim is to provide hypertextual information about Galileo and the science of his time to viewers of all ages and levels of expertise.
Space Math@NASA
The goal of these problems is to teach students about astronomy and space science by using mathematics and real-world problems.



Depending on your rate and direction of motion, a pure magnetic field can be turned into an electric field and vice versa.