This collection of lesson plans and 'easy to do' activities are just the hook you need to bring the science of Space Weather to your students. Here you can do everything from building an edible model of the sun to learning how to make a real space weather broadcast!
To enhance your lessons visit the Multimedia Center where you can find a variety of exciting materials including interactive children's books, multimedia viewers, games and our interactive timeline called, "Sun Watchers Through Time".
This is a list of activities and information about magnetism and magnetic connections. The list includes information about the Earth’s magnetic field and the Sun’s magnetic field. Each item has a short description. This section is recommended for students in middle school and above.
The Learning Center is NSTA's e-professional development portal designed to help teachers address their content and classroom needs. With over 4,500 resources, 25% of which are free, and a suite of tools to organize, personalize, and document teachers'' professional development growth, NSTA can help!
Visit NSTA's Sun-Earth Day 2010 page to access one or more of the Learning Center's FREE resources and enhance your knowledge about the Sun and magnetic forces.
On April 8, 1947, the largest sunspot in modern history reached its maximum size of over 330 times Earth's area.