NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Magnetic Storms.

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Magnetic Storms


This collection of lesson plans and 'easy to do' activities are just the hook you need to bring the science of Space Weather to your students. Here you can do everything from building an edible model of the sun to learning how to make a real space weather broadcast!
Public Outreach
Public Outreach
This section has been specifically designed for you, the museums, planetaria, parks, youth clubs, and educators from community organizations around the globe! Here you will find program ideas and a growing list of 'Make and Take' activities designed just for you!
Scientific discoveries have a tremendous impact on the world as we know it. As a scientist you have the opportunity to have an even greater impact on the world of education! This section is designed just for you. Here you will find resources to help you Get Connected, Get Involved and Develop Your Program.
Amateur Astronomers
Amateur Astronomers
Join us in this year's 'AA Challenge' by holding your own sun/star party and giving a public talk. When you're finished, send us at least one picture of your event(s) to post on the Sun Earth Day web site! All of the requirements and instruction are right here!


The March 13, 1989 Quebec blackout, the result of a major geomagnetic storm, caused a $6 billion loss to the Canadian economy.