NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Magnetic Storms.

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Magnetic Storms

Promotional Materials

Throughout the year we will be updating this page to include the latest promotional materials. These materials can be used to help organize and support your events, or to just spread the word about Sun-Earth Day. In the coming months we will post the 2010 folder, screen savers, various items from the Sun-Earth Day Kit, and much more for download. So be sure to check back often.


Sun-Earth Day Wallpaper Thumbnail
2010 Sun-Earth Day Bookmark
This year’s Bookmark is now ready for you to download, print out, and use. Enjoy reading while providing great information about magnetic storms.
Sun-Earth Day Wallpaper Thumbnail
2010 Sun-Earth Day Wallpaper
This year’s desktop wall paper will certainly bring a magnetic feel to your environment! The composition includes fractal art and imagery from the SOHO, THEMIS and the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab). We've also included room for your icons at the top and bottom of the image! See the ‘Credits’ page for more information.
Sun-Earth Day Flyer Thumbnail
2010 Sun-Earth Day Flyer
Use this flyer to provide your audience with Sun-Earth Day's purpose, key understandings and website information.


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