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Sun-Earth Day Presents: Eclipse, In a Different Light


There are many ways to participate in Sun-Earth Day. This year, Sun-Earth Day is celebrated on Wednesday, March 29, 2006 to coincide with the total solar eclipse on the same day. However, you can also celebrate our connection to the Sun any time of the year, either as a special event or as part of your regular programs.

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Live Webcast
The total solar eclipse will take place at approximately 6am Eastern/ 5am Central/ 4am Mountain/ 3am Pacific. There will be a video program available LIVE via webcast and satellite around that time (exact start and end time of program to be announced). An overnight event is one possible way to offer this live webcast to your audience. In past Sun-Earth Days, overnight events had been an exciting opportunity for unique programs that involve multiple activities, taking advantage of the longer time-frame.
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Hands-On Activities
Hands-On activities allow both children and adults to explore solar science in an active and engaging manner. For examples of activities related to eclipse and Sun-Earth connection, please visit the Make and Take Activities section of our website.
image of eclipse totality
Sun Observations and Astronomy Activities with Amateur Astronomers or Solar System Ambassadors

Amateur astronomy clubs throughout the US and around the globe frequently host "star parties" to share both daytime and nighttime astronomy with the public. Inviting a local astronomer from your area is one way to enhance your education programs and to offer your audience a chance to view the sun through a solar telescope. Don't forget to visit the Amateur Astronomers section of our site for more info.

The Solar System Ambassadors program, sponsored by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), is a public outreach program designed to work with motivated volunteers across the nation. These volunteers, many of them amateur astronomers and educators, communicate the excitement of space exploration to people in their local communities and are a good resource for your Sun-Earth Connection events. Visit Solar System Ambassadors for information and examples of past events in your area.

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Special Event with a Local Scientist
Scientists studying the Sun and its impact on Earth can bring the excitement of their latest research to your education programs. Past museum programs have hosted talks and question-answer sessions with scientists as part of their Sun-Earth Day celebrations. If you would like to invite a scientist to participate in your events, please contact Jackie Wong.
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Kiosk or Computer Station
With access to a computer or a simple kiosk/computer station, you can create an instant exhibit that allows users to explore Sun-Earth Connection in depth. Total Eclipse: Solar Eclipses and the Mysteries of the Corona, Sun-Earth Media Viewer, and Traditions of the Sun are all available for free online and on CD-ROMs by request.
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Cultural Programs
Not only is the Sun an important focus of scientific research, it has also been an important cultural and spiritual symbol to people around the world both in the past and today. In fact, celestial events such as total eclipses have inspired people to observe and understand the Sun-Earth-Moon system. As with last year's Sun-Earth Day, Ancient Observatories - Timeless Knowledge, we encourage education programs where the public can explore the science of the Sun within its cultural context. Visit the Exploratorium website for examples of past programs.
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Solstice and Equinox
Solstices are special days of the year with the most and least hours of daylight; equinoxes are days with equal hours of daylight and night. These are wonderful opportunities for people to become aware of the motion Earth relative to the Sun and understand how it affects the seasons. These days are also celebrated in many cultures and often used to guide planting and harvest.

Solstice and Equinox calendar for 2005 and 2006, Northern Hemisphere:

  • Fall Equinox, equal hours of daylight and night, September 22nd, 2005
  • Winter Solstice, least hours of daylight - December 21st, 2005
  • Spring Equinox, equal hours of daylight and night - are March 20th, 2006
  • Summer Solstice, most hours of daylight - June 21st, 2006
  • Fall Equinox, equal hours of daylight and night, September 22nd, 2006
  • Winter Solstice, least hours of daylight + December 21st, 2006
(Note: In the Southern Hemisphere, the dates for Summer and Winter Solstices are reversed. The dates for Spring and Fall Equinoxes are also reversed.)
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Children's Literature Program / Story Time
For a list of books that focus on eclipses and Sun-Earth Connection, visit the Children's Books page in our Multimedia section. Some of these books are available for free by request or online in a digital format.
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