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Sun-Earth Day Presents: Eclipse, In a Different Light


In this year's Sun-Earth Day Kit you will find a variety of educational products designed to enhance your knowledge about total solar eclipses and why we still study them today. In addition, many of the resources can be downloaded and/or accessed from this page!

For stronger classroom integration, download this quick educator's guide, "Using the Folder and Materials"!


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Sun-Earth Day Folder Thumbnail
Eclipse in a Different Light + Sun-Earth Day 2006 Folder (SECEF)
This year's folder features images of the Sun as well as natural and artificial eclipses. Inside the folder educators will find learning concepts of the stars and the universe for various grade levels.
Eclipse Poster Thumbnail
Eclipse in a Different Light Theme Poster (SOHO and SECEF)
This colorful 22 x 22 inch "theme" poster for Sun-Earth Day 2006 is sub-titled on the back as All about Eclipses. Images and text on the back explain how eclipses occur, what it is like to experience an eclipses, how to observe them, and more.
Spectroscope Thumbnail
Build a Spectroscope (Stanford Solar Center)
Build your own spectroscope to see what colors are present using parts cut from a folded poster and a diffraction grating. Assembly instructions and a suggested activity are also included.
Extra Credit Thumbnail
Extra-Credit Problems in Space Science (IMAGE/POETRY)
This collection of activities provides insights into the Sun-Earth system, specifically about space weather. They are intended as extra-credit problems in science and math for students in Grades 7-9.
Space Weather CD-ROM (Rice University and IMAGE/POETRY)
This CD contains activities from the IMAGE/POETRY website. It also contains the standalone "Space Weather" educational module that is on display at many museums around the country.
Eclipse Poster Thumbnail
Solar-B Fact Sheet (Chabot Space & Science Center and Lockheed Martin)
This fact sheet announces the launch of the Solar-B spacecraft, which carries a telescope in space to study various changes on the Sun.
Eclipse Poster Thumbnail
STEREO/IMPACT Education and Public Outreach Litho
This fact sheet describes the STEREO mission and what the IMPACT education and public outreach program can provide. On the back is an activity. "Mapping Magnetic Fields" for Grades 4-8.
Ulysses Bookmark Thumbnail
Ulysses Bookmark
This bookmark describes solar wind and sunspot changes on the front. In the back are some statistics of the Sun and the Ulysses spacecraft orbit around the Sun.
Voyager Bookmark Thumbnail
Voyager Bookmark
This bookmark describes solar wind and sunspot changes on the front. In the back are some statistics of the Sun and the Ulysses spacecraft orbit around the Sun.


While supplies last, you can register to receive your free Sun-Earth Day Kit! Additional kits for your classroom, science center, or museum, are available for $6.00 each through NASA CORE. International educators should contact the NASA CORE office for exact shipping to their area. Additionally, many NASA Educator Resource Centers will be offering workshops that will be supported with kits. For a center nearest you, visit the NASA Educator Resource Center Network.

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Eclipse Fact

From the Earth's surface, the Sun's corona ("crown") can ONLY be seen during a total eclipse.

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