Sun-Earth Days 2014

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Days 2014

Amateur Astronomers

Greetings, greetings fellow stargazers;

This year, NASA would like to feature your astro photographs and videos (up to 90 seconds each) of our active sun on the Sun Earth Days Solar Maximum Flickr group. We will feature your images with accreditation and select an image each week to feature on the NASA Sun Earth Day home page.

The Sun-Earth Days Observing Certificate Challenge

Once your image or video is uploaded with the below metadata, you will be able to download a certificate of appreciation from the NASA Sun Earth Day team.

Image Requirements:

Your Flickr images should be in JPEG (.jpg) format in as high a resolution as possible and include the following image metadata descriptions:

  1. Your name
  2. Affiliation (e.g. Astronomy Club, School, etc.)
  3. Time of observation (UT)
  4. Location of observation (country, city, and state)
  5. Latitude and longitude of observation location
  6. Short description of the equipment used (e.g. camera, telescope, filter, mount, etc.)
  7. Any other details needed to understand the image

Using the uploaded images, you will have the opportunity to collaborate with other amateur astronomers all over the world, collecting images. You can filter the images uploaded to Flickr to see only the ones you choose. You do this by using the "search" feature on the photo pool page.

Once your images are uploaded you may download the 2013 Observing Challenge Certificate. Good Luck!! TIP: You can filter the images uploaded to Flickr to see only the ones you choose. You do this by using the "search" feature on the photo pool page.

Event Images:

We also invite you to upload images of your Sun-Earth Days Solar MAX events, celebrations, activities and star parties. Your images often provide others with inspiration and new ideas! Make sure to include your name, club or organization's name and a description of the event.

Instagram Users: You can also upload your images to Instagram. Tag your images with the following hashtags: #nasa #nasagoddard #space #solmax

Facebook Users: Join our growing community on Facebook at: . Upload and tag us to make sure that others around the world can enjoy your images!

And remember to: Keep Looking Up!*

* With acknowledgement and thanks to Star Hustler / Star Gazer, Jack Horkheimer (1938 - 2010), who hosted the world's first and only weekly TV series on naked-eye astronomy for over 30 years and 1,708 episodes, since it first aired in 1976. Jack passed away August 20th at the age of 72. He would always begin his shows with "Greetings, greetings fellow star gazers" and would always end them with his now famous words of encouragement to "keep looking up!".


Depending on your rate and direction of motion, a pure magnetic field can be turned into an electric field and vice versa.