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Sun-Earth Day 2008: Space Weather Around the World

Sun-Earth Day 2008: Space Weather Around the World


Subscribe to the Sun-Earth Day VIDEO Podcast

To subscribe to the SED video podcast feed, see instructions. For your convenience we have listed this year's podcasts, transcripts and video files below.


Heliophysics Below Zero
Heliophysics Below Zero
Learn more about auroras on other planets in our solar system. Join us for a beautiful Polar Sunrise; then experience a trip through the tundra as we search for aurora!
Opening Eyes to Sun-Earth Connections
Opening Eyes to Sun-Earth Connections
Opening Eyes to Sun-Earth Connections
Science in Barrow


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How to Subscribe

  • There are any number of free programs that you can download to play your podcasts -- itunes and ipodder are the most common.
  • The URL of this podcast RSS/XML feed is:

    Simply copy and paste this URL into your podcast software
  • Or, click on the Subscribe POD graphic . Your browser will then open a new page containing the actual RSS/XML feed for our podcasts. Simply copy the URL in the address bar of your browser and paste it into your podcasting application. Or, simply copy and paste the URL below into your software. Alternately, you can simply drag the XML graphic directly into the iTunes applications or open iTunes first and do a keyword search for "Sun-Earth Day" in the podcast directory. All available Sun-Earth Day podcasts will appear.

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Other NASA Podcasts

For a listing of all NASA portal podcasts, please visit the NASA podcast page at:

Space Weather Fact

During a severe solar storm, Earth loses about 100 tons of its atmosphere into space.

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