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Sun-Earth Day 2008: Space Weather Around the World

Sun-Earth Day 2008: Space Weather Around the World


Brought to you by the Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum

When is Sun-Earth Day?

This year's main event will be on March 20, 2008. Sun-Earth Day is comprised of a series of programs and events that occur throughout the year culminating with a celebration on or near the Spring Equinox. Middle schools are invited to participate in Solar Week in Spring 2008 to learn about solar science, solar energy and career choices. Various events will prepare the audiences to watch a total solar eclipse on August 1, 2008 via a live webcast from China.

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Sun-Earth Day Strategy:

Over the past seven years, NASA Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum has sponsored and coordinated education and public outreach events to highlight NASA Sun-Earth Connection research and discoveries. Our strategy involves using celestial events, such as total solar eclipses and the Transit of Venus, as well as Sun-Earth Day during the March Equinox, to engage K-12 schools and the general public in space science activities, demonstrations, and interactions with space scientists. See enduring messages on the Sun-Earth Day flier

Sun-Earth Day Resources:

In collaboration with partners that include science centers and museums around the world, the Exploratorium, NASA Connect, Sun-Earth Connection missions, and others, we produce webcasts, other multi-media, and print resources for use by school and informal educators nation-wide and internationally. We provide training and professional development to K-12 educators, museum personnel, amateur astronomers, Girl Scout leaders, etc., so they can implement their own outreach programs taking advantage of our resources. A coordinated approach promotes multiple programs occurring each year under a common theme.

Space Weather Fact

Toy 'rare-earth' magnets can be 5 times stronger that a sunspot magnetic field.

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