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Sun-Earth Day 2008: Space Weather Around the World

Sun-Earth Day 2008: Space Weather Around the World


The Sudbury Neutrino telescope  in Canada. The 12-meter sphere contains  12,000 detectors that watch for the light from neutrinos that streak through the water filling the interior of the sphere. (Courtesy - Stanford Solar Center)

The Sudbury Neutrino telescope in Canada. The 12-meter sphere contains 12,000 detectors that watch for the light from neutrinos that streak through the water filling the interior of the sphere. (Courtesy - Stanford Solar Center)

This image appears in the #59: Where did all the Neutrinos go? Technology Through Time article.

Space Weather Fact

The March 13, 1989 Quebec blackout, the result of a major geomagnetic storm, caused a $6 billion loss to the Canadian economy.

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