Arctic Impressions is the audio journal of Dorian Janney, a middle school teacher from Rockville, Maryland. Dorian joined our Sun-Earth Day team in Barrow, Alaska, for the 4th polar conference called, "Polar Gateways Arctic Circle Sunrise 2008'. She joined in on a variety of educational activities including school visits, cultural excursions, webcasts and podcasts. She also kept a written journal of her entire experience complete with descriptive text and imagery that she emailed back to her students in Maryland at the end of each day.
We asked Dorian if she would share her impressions of the Arctic with you. She graciously agreed. During our next four podcasts you will hear from the author her self, Dorian Janney, as she reads to you directly from her journal. We've also included a variety of interviews with scientists and residents of Barrow as conducted by student reporter, Cara Mayo.
Please visit thePolar Gateways, Barrow Alaska podcast page for images of the sunrise and other scientific information.
The fastest coronal mass ejection was recorded on August 4, 1972 and traveled from the sun to earth in 14.6 hours - a speed of nearly 10 million kilometers per hour!