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Sun-Earth Day Presents: Eclipse, In a Different Light

Solar Eclipse 2006 Certificate Program

NASA and The Astronomical League would like to invite you to share again in the wonder and excitement of a total solar eclipse. "Eclipse - In A Different Light" tells the story of how civilizations for millenia looked with awe and often great fear at the spectical of their sun going away. Today we understand what eclipses truly are and how to predict their occurance but they still hold their power as wonderous events, unique to any planet in our solar system! To fulfill the requirements for this certificate program, you will need to accomplish the following tasks:

  1. Register on the Amateur Astronomers Registration Form.
  2. Perform two out of the three activities listed on the Amateur Astronomer page.
  3. Hold a public event around the eclipse theme. This could include hosting a community or school eclipse party, giving a public talk, working with a teacher to teach these concepts to a K-12 school,….
  4. Send us a picture from your eclipse project or event for posting on the NASA Eclipse: "In A Different Light" web site
  5. When you have completed steps one through four, you may download your Solar Eclipse 2006 Certificate to print.
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