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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Space Weather Action Center

Space Weather Action Center


Tools for Assessment

  • Statement completion. (Fact)
  • Constructed response questions to determine their ability to explain in their own words what they have learned, to reason and apply that knowledge and communicate scientifically. (Rubric Scoring)
  • Hands-on with the use of the materials provided, the students will perform their own investigation and apply problem-solving skills. (Rubric Scoring)

Complete the Statment:

  1. The Sun is an active, dynamic...
  2. The only visible sign of the connection between the Sun and the Earth are...
  3. A sunspot appears to be a dark spot on the surface of the Sun because...
  4. The distance between the Sun and the Earth is...
  5. The solar wind is caused by...
  6. The colors of the Aurora are caused by...
  7. A solar cycle is...
  8. The Sunspot's magnetic field is so strong that...
  9. A Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) ejects...

Individual response

You are a member of the scientific team that gives telecommunication satellites the first warning of a possible solar storm that may cause considerable damage to telecommunication systems. You have been using the Space Weather Action Center and Space Weather Viewer and observing the Sun for a possible CME. List the procedures you would expect a new member of your team to follow before they send out an alert of pending trouble.

Scoring Rubric:

4- Data sheets are complete and accurate

  • Beginning with the Sunspotter Region checking and comparing data from observatories and spacecraft (use of all provided within the flip charts)
  • Checking available resource links to get a closer look at location, size, activity level, and direction
  • Data sheets are complete and accurate
  • Describing the same procedure for Storm Signals and Magnetosphere
  • Recommended links are included
  • Prediction is clearly recorded as a Space Weather Broadcast with good communication skills- clarity original and complete

3- Data Sheets are complete

  • Check each Section for predicting a Solar Storm in the proper sequence, comparing data with actual observatory and spacecraft
  • List reasons for prediction- location, size, direction
  • Data sheets are complete and are used in writing the broadcast script
  • Broadcast shows knowledge of data needed to make a prediction

2- List is complete but not in a specific sequence

  • Sunspot region data is the primary source for making the prediction
  • Data sheets are used but not all are accurate interpretation of the data
  • Broadcast sample script is used as the broadcast for communicating their results

(This may the extent of involvement for lower grades 3-5, if so then this would provide mastery criteria in the use of the Space Weather Action Center)

1-Use of the Sunspot Region Only

  • Was accurate and well defined
  • Data sheet complete and accurate
  • Space Weather Broadcast based on Sunspot region accurate

0- No real evidence of understanding

Hands-On activity:

Students are set into action as the perfect Solar Storm is about to occur. Students have been working with the network and each team is told to make a prediction. Their own data will not be used because it is cloudy and rain is expected in your area all week. You are in lower latitude so the magnetometer is not effective; lightning strikes have caused you to put the radio receiver away. The student relies on the observatories on line and spacecraft data. They are to send out a first warning alert and follow through by checking POES data for actual proof of their prediction- time frame 1 week- 1 hour per day- same time each day.

Team Interaction:

Complete a single page description of the process your team followed, include why your team made the prediction, the steps your team followed to verify the data, and the on-line resources your team used. Develop your own space weather report to broadcast a possible ALERT.

Rubric Scoring:

4-Students divide their team in appropriate expertise areas to have the job done effectively

  • Checks are done for several observatories and space craft and verified
  • Each area of the network is double checked by members of the team
  • Kp index is checked to determine strength of event and locations of aurora sightings (using the auroral map)
  • Students make prediction for aurora sighting
  • Student's verification in 3-4 days to determine correlation of sunspot to aurora and check aurora oval from spacecraft for verification
  • Students develop a Broadcast to share the chance for persons to see the aurora in "Your Local Area"

3-All students work together

  • Checks are done for several observatories and space craft and verified
  • Each area of the network is double checked by members of the team
  • Students make prediction for Aurora sighting and check aurora oval spacecraft for verification
  • Student's verification in 3-4 days to determine correlation of sunspot to aurora
  • Students do not do a Broadcast

2- All student work together

  • Checks are done for one observatory and spacecraft
  • Students make prediction for Aurora sighting and check aurora oval from one spacecraft for verification

    1-Some of the students are actively involved; others are passive in their participation

    • Checks are done from one observatory
    • Students make prediction for Aurora sighting that is not verified

    0-Students attempts are not done as instructed through past participation.