Social Media Connections
Our goal is to help you connect with a growing and vibrant social media community during all phases of this celestial event! We also want to help you spread the word about the Transit of Venus by sharing content, facts, videos, images and links about the transit with your networks. To get started, share the message that on June 5, 2012 at sunset on the East Coast of North America and earlier for other parts of the U.S., the planet Venus will make its final trek across the face of the sun as seen from Earth until the year 2117!
How to participate before the Transit:
- Inform your friends about this once in a lifetime event by posting comments, asking questions, and sharing images, videos and links.
- Share pages from this website by clicking on the Facebook Sharing Icon in the upper right hand side of every page or by opening the Sun-Earth Day Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube pages found the left side of every page.
- Use mobile apps
- Include #VenusTransit on all of your transit related tweets
- Follow other #VenusTransit tweets:
How to participate during the Transit:
- Share information about the LIVE WEBCAST that will be transmitted from the top of a volcano (Mauna Kea, Hawaii).
- Include #VenusTransit on all of your transit related tweets.
- Post questions to Twitter that will be answered by experts on the LIVE webcast as time permits! To ask questions, simply add a "Q" at the end of the normal #VenusTransit hashtag. Example: #VenusTransitQ
- Upload photos to the Venus Transit Flickr group and Facebook Fan Page (Tag US!)
- Attend and post from a live event. See the Transit of Venus Events Map for a location near you!
How to participate AFTER the Transit:
- Watch and share the archived webcast. Soon after the transit we will share links to the archived Ustream and edited iTunes Vodcast.
- Share your Transit of Venus experiences by uploading your comments and photos to one of the Official NASA Transit of Venus Social Networks listed below. (Tag US!)
- Use mobile apps.
- Include #VenusTransit on all of your transit related tweets.
Share Information on your Social Networks:
Start spreading the word by sharing information with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-serves, and partners! To get you started, we've provided a few sample Tweets and Facebook posts.
Sample Tweets:
- Are you ready for the Transit of Venus on June 5, 2012? #VenusTransit
- Join NASA on June 5, 2012 for a live 'Transit of Venus' webcast from the top of a volcano! #VenusTransit
- Tell everyone about the upcoming Venus Transit! It won't happen again until 2117! #VenusTransit
- Check out this promotional video for the Transit of Venus webcast on June 5, 2012. Now THAT'S something to tweet about! #VenusTransit
Sample Facebook Posts:
- Tell everyone about the upcoming Venus Transit! It won't happen again until 2117!
- Spread the word! We'll be webcasting views of the Transit of Venus from the top of a volcano on June 5th!! To make it even more exciting, the SDO mission will be sharing views of the transit from SPACE! Tune in :)
- Are you thinking about hosting or attending a 'Transit of Venus' event? Sun-Earth Day and the Solar Dynamics Observatory have combined forces to help you share your event with others from around the world!
The Official NASA Transit of Venus Social Network:
Social Media Networks Connected to the LIVE Webcast from Mauna Kea, Hawaii:
NASA EDGE: The NASA EDGE team will be hosting the live webcast from the top of Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
Solar Dynamics Observatory: SDO will be sharing high-resolution, never before seen views of the Transit throughout the transit!
The Sun Today: Alex Young from 'The Sun Today' will appear on the webcast to share
information about the Sun, Space Weather and the Transit.
See the full list of NASA's social media networks at "Connect and Collaborate with NASA"
A typical galaxy like the Milky Way has a magnetic field strength of about 0.000003 Gauss.