NASA Logo, National Aeronautics and Space Administration

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Magnetic Storms.

Sun-Earth Day 2010: ??????


Sun-Earth Day 2010 Project Lead
Elaine Lewis
Formal Education Coordinator
Elaine Lewis
Informal Education Coordinator
Carolyn Ng
Amateur Astronomer Coordinator
Lou Mayo
Web Content Manager/Producer
Troy Cline
Web Site Design/Development
Website Maintenance
Bryan Stephenson
Senior Astronomer/Writer
Director of Sun Earth Day
  • Dr. Jim Thieman
Project Partners
Special Thanks
  • Nathan James - SEC Education Resource Coordinator, SED registration
  • Lou Mayo - SED Amateur Astronomer Lead - Planetary Scientist / Writer

We would also like to thank Dave Massey, of, for giving us permission to use and modify one of his images for this year's Sun-Earth Day Banner. This year's banner is a composition created by Troy Cline and Bryan Stephenson.


Earth's magnetic field is declining in strength by 5% every century.