Transit of Venus, Sun-Earth Day 2012

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Transit of Venus, Sun-Earth Day 2012

Amateur Astronomers

2012 Observing Certificate Program

For 2012, NASA and the Astronomical League are partnering to offer two observing certificates. Completion of the requirements for each certificate will qualify you to download a certificate of completion. Requirements for completion are as follows.

Level 1: Amateur Astronomers who successfully view the transit through a properly filtered telescope (e.g. white light or Ha filters, or one of many projection methods) will receive a certificate of participation in the Sun Earth Day Observing Challenge.

Level 2: Amateur Astronomers will take a picture of the transit and note the time of the observation. Upload the picture so it may be posted on the Sun Earth Day web site and then calculate a value for the AU given one of the techniques described on the site.

You may upload your images of the transit to the NASA Flickr account. There, you will find instructions for upload including details of the necessary metadata to be included with each image.


The fastest coronal mass ejection was recorded on August 4, 1972 and traveled from the sun to earth in 14.6 hours - a speed of nearly 10 million kilometers per hour!