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Sun-Earth Day 2008: Space Weather Around the World

Sun-Earth Day 2008: Space Weather Around the World


All About the Sun
From NASA's Quest's Learning Technologies Channel (at NASA Ames) and the Stanford Solar Center, learn more about the sun from this impressive archive of video clips and materials from past webcasts.
Build a Spectroscope
Have your students build a working spectroscope to the study the nature of light. Recommended for students grade 5 and over.
Building a Simple Sundial
This activity from NASA's Marshal Space Flight Center will show you how to construct a working sundial of your own! Visit Spanish Resources to view this activity (Construyendo un Reloj Solar) in Spanish
Making a Sun Clock
Let the Exploratorium show you how to build a working Sun Clock.
Seeing the Invisible: Student Workbook
This teacher's guide and student workbook provide you and your students with an opportunity to prove the existence of ultraviolet and infrared radiation coming from the Sun.
Seeing the Invisible: Teacher Guide
This teacher's guide and student workbook provide you and your students with an opportunity to prove the existence of ultraviolet and infrared radiation coming from the Sun.
Solar Flip Book
Students will make a flip book that shows the progression of two solar events on reversible sides of the flip book. Event choices include the sunspot cycle, differential rotation of the sun using sunspots, a total solar eclipse, progression of a coronal mass ejection, and a sungrazing comet.
Solar Storms and You
This series of six workbooks contains a variety of SUNsational, integrated, multidisciplinary activities for grades 7-9. I was produced by the IMAGE/POETRY Teacher and Students' Consortium.
Solarscapes: Sunspots and Rotation
You and your middle-school students will open up the Sun and explore phenomena most people have never seen before. Your students will calculate the period of the solar cycle and predict its shapes, and calculate the rotation period of the Sun.
Sunbeams and Sundials
Enjoy this unit based on the Space and Time gallery at the Liverpool Museum, with both formal and informal activities.

Space Weather Fact

During intense solar flares, astronauts see bright flashing streaks of light as a result of high-energy particles zipping through their eyeballs.

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