Mike grew up during the early days when NASA was sending Astronauts into space, when he was 5 years old hr wanted to work for NASA and be an Astronaut. As Mike grew older he developed an interest in Astronomy. While Mike was attending High School hr became involved with a work experience program at NASA. Mike went to Junior college and they had a COOP program with NASA. When Mike graduated from College in 1981, he got a Computer Programming job with a company that had a contract with NASA. In 1990 Mike was finally able to get a job working directly for NASA. Mike works in the Wind Tunnel Systems Branch at the NASA Ames Research Center as the Deputy Branch chief. Mike is the Chair of the Native American Advisory Committee here at NASA Ames Research Center. If you have a dream stick with it, you will eventually find a way to make that dream happen.
Bachelor's Degree in Astronomy from U.C. Berkeley