
In later years, during the 20th century astronomers continued to study Venus and found it to be a much different world than Earth. Venus is often
called a 'Twin' to Earth, but we know that this really isn't the case except for its diameter and mass. Ancient observers once called it Lucifer that
later became a synonym for Satan the ruler of Hell. In fact given the surface temperature of Venus, it is not a bad analogy for this horrific abode
within our own solar system. Rather than a twin of Earth, it is more like the antithesis of Earth in nearly every way we can now scientifically
Why do we still want to study Venus? Because it lets us think about what a planet looks like that is otherwise like Earth, but has a different
atmosphere, distance from the sun, and a 'missing' magnetic field. From these differences we can learn more about Earth and how it may
change in the future.
Atmosphere: Earth is the garden
spot of the solar system, at least
for organic life! It has a
nitrogen-oxygen atmosphere
with an average temperature of
50 F. The pressure at the surface
is completely bearable by
humans and living organisms. The
trace amounts of carbon dioxide
keep it comfortably warm thanks
to a very mild greenhouse
effect. It's axis is tilted at 23.5
degrees to its orbit plane, which
gives us the cycle of the seasons.
Liquid water is abundant on its
surface, and could cover it to a
uniform depth of several miles.
There are also two forms of
water: fresh and sea water. Few
organisms can consume the salt
and mineral-rich sea water
directly without damaging their
internal organs. Most of our
water is believed to have come
from ancient comet impacts.
Atmosphere: This planet is an awful place to visit. It's atmosphere is more
than 95% carbon dioxide, and it has rain clouds that produce droplets of
sulfuric acid. The surface pressure from this dense atmosphere is so thick
you would be crushed by a half-ton per square inch. The greenhouse
effect has trapped so much solar infrared radiation that the surface
temperature is over 800 F, far above the setting on your kitchen oven!
The surface seems to be completely free of craters more than 700 million
years old, unlike Earth. Some scientists have suggested that the entire
planetary surface was 'erased' or 'recycled' in some cataclysmic event
at about that time.
Magnetism: The solar wind never
directly impacts the upper
atmosphere because Earth has a
powerful magnetic field, which
acts like an invisible umbrella in
space to deflect most of the
solar wind particles. Cosmic rays,
which are other forms of
high-energy particles are either
absorbed by Earth's dense
atmosphere, or are deflected
back into space by its magnetic
field. Even when Earth loses its
main magnetic field, it still has a
weak crustal field, although this
field is much less effective in
steering solar particles away
from Earth. Fossil and other
evidence, however, shows that
even when Earth's field weakens,
there are no measurable effects
at the Earth's surface that would
affect living organisms. Compare
this to the bizarre 'predictions' by
such popular movies as 'The
Magnetism: Because Venus has no magnetic 'umbrella' to shield itself, the
solar wind penetrates deep into its upper atmosphere, as do cosmic ray
particles. This direct contact causes solar wind particles to collide and
eject gas from the atmosphere of Venus into space, forming an invisible
comet-like tail behind the planet. Astronomers have studied the
Sun-Venus interaction through computer models and satellite flybys
since the 1960's. There is still much we don't understand. For example, why
does Earth have such a strong magnetic field and Venus has none? Is it
because Venus rotates 10 times slower, or is it that there is something
very different about the core of Venus that prevents magnetic fields
from forming? Learning about Venus may help us better understand
Earth's magnetism, and what may be in store for our planet in the far
future...say 700 million years!
Planets Beyond the Solar System.
The transit of Venus is exciting for other reasons too.
Astronomers can now study planets around other stars by waiting for some of them to pass in front of their star. One planet called HD 209458b
is the first known 'transiting extra-solar planet'. Scientists turned this transit to their advantage in 2001. Just as Lomonosov detected the
atmosphere of Venus during a transit, modern astronomers have used spectroscopes to detect the atmosphere of this distant Jupiter-like
world as it passed in front of its star over 100 light years from Earth.
The good news is that this transit allowed astronomers to detect
sodium in the planet's atmosphere. The bad news is that further studies
show that this planet, orbiting once every three days at over 4 million
miles from its star, is evaporating at the rate of nearly 100,000 tons per
day, and has a temperature near 3000 F! In a few billion years, it may be
The NASA Kepler and Navigator missions will study thousands of other
stars, searching for the tell-tale dips in their spectrum that can identify
their atmospheric gases. We hope that one day, soon, we will find a
planet with oxygen, which will be the first signs of living creatures
beyond Earth.
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