Sun-Earth Days 2013

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Days 2013

See the Launch of NASA's LADEE Mission to the Moon

Social Media, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube

Our goal is to help you connect with a growing and vibrant social media community during all phases of this celestial event! We also want to help you spread the word about the LADEE webcast by sharing content, facts, videos, images and links about LADEE and the NASA EDGE Webcast with your networks. To get started, share the message that on September 6, 2013, NASA EDGE will host a live webcast to prepare you for the upcoming LADEE LAUNCH!

LADEE is a robotic mission that will orbit our moon to gather detailed information about the structure and composition of the thin lunar atmosphere and determine if dust is being lofted into the lunar sky. A thorough understanding of these characteristics of our nearest celestial neighbor will help researchers understand other bodies in the solar system, such as Mercury, outer planets' moons and larger asteroids. The mission was developed and built at NASA's Ames Research Center in California's Silicon Valley. LADEE is the first moon launch from Wallops Flight Facility and the first launch of Orbital Sciences Corporation's Minotaur V rocket.


Follow the LADEE NASA Social!:

NASA will host a two-day event for 50 of its social media followers on Thursday, Sept. 5, and Friday, Sept. 6, at NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, Va., for the launch of NASA's Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE). Guests will have an opportunity to learn more about NASA and new and recent discoveries about our moon and its connection to upcoming missions to asteroids, comets and other destinations!

What is a NASA Social?

A NASA Social is an informal meeting of people who use social networking sites such as Twitter, Facebook and Google+. Participants at this event will be provided a unique in-person experience at the NASA's Wallops Flight Facility, which they are encouraged to share with others through their favorite social networks.

What if I cannot come to Wallops?

If you cannot come to Wallops to attend in person, you can follow the conversation using the #NASASocial hashtag on Twitter. You can watch the launch on Sept. 6 on NASA TV , by watching the NASA EDGE webcast or in person at the Wallops public viewing site. NASA will provide regular launch and mission updates on @NASA and @NASALADEE and other accounts. Users on all social networks are encouraged to use the hashtag #NASASocial. Updates and information about the event will be shared on Twitter via @NASALADEE, @NASA_Wallops, @NASAAmes and @NASASocial and via posts to Facebook and Google+.

What if the launch date changes?

Hundreds of different factors can cause a scheduled launch date to change multiple times. The launch date will not be official until after the Flight Readiness Review. If the launch date changes, NASA may adjust the date of the NASA Social accordingly to coincide with the new target launch date. NASA will notify registrants of any changes by email. There is a launch opportunity for LADEE each day from Sept. 6-10, should the launch slip.

LADEE Webcast

How to participate before the WEBCAST:

  • Inform your friends about the LADEE' webcast by posting comments, asking questions, and sharing images, videos and links.
  • Share pages from the official LADEE website by clicking on the Share Icon in the upper right hand side of every page.
  • Include #NASALADEE on all of your webcast related tweets
  • Follow other #NASALADEE Tweets on the LADEE Twitter page.

How to participate during the WEBCAST:

  • Share information about the LIVE WEBCAST that will be transmitted from the Wallops Space Flight Facility.
  • Include #NASALADEE on all of your LADEE related tweets.
  • Post questions to Twitter that will be answered by experts during the LIVE webcast as time permits by using the hashtag #askNASA
  • Upload photos to the NASA EDGE Flickr group and Facebook Fan Page (Tag US!)

How to participate AFTER the WEBCAST:

  • Watch and share the archived webcast. Soon after the webcast we will share links to the archived Ustream and edited iTunes Vodcast.
  • Share your LADEE experiences by uploading your comments and photos to one of the Official NASA Social Networks listed below. (Tag LADEE and/or Sun-Earth Day!)
  • Include #NASALADEE on all of your webcast related tweets.

Sample Tweets and Facebook Posts:

Start spreading the word by sharing information with your colleagues, audiences, social media avenues, list-serves, and partners! To get you started, we've provided a few sample Tweets and Facebook posts.

Sample Tweets:

  • Are you ready for the LADEE launch? Watch the webcast to learn more! #NASALADEE
  • Join NASA on September 6, 2013 for a live 'LADEE Launch' webcast from the Wallops Space Flight Facility! #NASALADEE
  • Tell everyone about the upcoming webcast! Be prepared for the LADEE launch! #NASALADEE
  • Visit the LADEE website to learn more about the mission and launch on September 6, 2013. Now THAT'S something to tweet about! #NASALADEE

Sample Facebook Posts:

  • Tell everyone about the upcoming 'LADEE Launch' webcast!
  • Spread the word! We'll be webcasting views of the LADEE launch during a live webcast on September 6th !!

Social Media Networks Connected to the LIVE Webcast from Wallops Space Flight Facility:


The NASA EDGE team will be hosting the live webcast from Wallops Space Flight Facility.

Sun-Earth Days: Stay connected to the rapidly growing Sun-Earth Day network before, during and after the webcast!

The Sun Today:

Alex Young from 'The Sun Today' will appear on the webcast to share information about the Sun, Space Weather and the next SOLAR MAXIMUM.

See the full list of NASA's social media networks at "Connect and Collaborate with NASA"

Have a question not answered here? Need more information? Help is available by sending an email to .


The March 13, 1989 Quebec blackout, the result of a major geomagnetic storm, caused a $6 billion loss to the Canadian economy.