Transit of Venus, Sun-Earth Day 2012

National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Transit of Venus, Sun-Earth Day 2012



Whether it's the latest launch or the coolest gadgets, NASA EDGE hosts provide an offbeat, funny and informative look behind the NASA curtain. If you've ever wanted to learn about NASA but thought you needed to be a rocket scientist, wait no longer. Watch NASA EDGE and embrace your inner astronaut.

You can now enjoy 2 NASA EDGE video podcast shows specifically designed to increase your knowledge about our Sun-Earth Connection! With a few simple clicks you'll be on your way to an unscripted and unpredictable look into some of the latest information on Space Weather, Sun-Earth Day, Solar Week and the new 'student based' Space Weather Action Center!


NE Live@Sun Earth Day 2011

NASA EDGE is proud to join forces with the Sun Earth Day Team to celebrate Sun Earth Day 2011: Ancient Mysteries and Future Discoveries. NASA EDGE webcasts live during the Sun Earth Day Tweet Up at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center on March 19, 2011 at 2 pm EDT.


NASA EDGE Show 11: Magnetospherence

Features: Chris and Blair share the co-host seat with guest, Troy Cline, from the Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum, interview with Paulette Alan on Solar Sails, Solar Storm News with Franklin, Blair attempts his own version of a Space Weather Action Center news report!

NASA Edge show 4: Sun-Earth Connection

NASA EDGE Show 4: Sun-Earth Connection

Features: Blair turns geocaching into Man vs. Wild, news with Franklin, interviews with Dr. Nicky Fox and Troy Cline and the mighty Space Weather Action Center.


The August 4, 1972 solar flare was so powerful that, by some estimates, a spacesuited astronaut would have received a lethal does of radiation.