National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Sun-Earth Day 2010: Ancient Mysteries, Future Discoveries


Host a School Tweetup!

Step 1: Register your class

Keep checking this page for Registration details!

Visit the Get Involved section of the Sun-Earth Day website for classroom ideas:

  • Lesson Plans
  • Activities
  • Public Outreach Ideas

Step 2: Plan for launch day

  • The Sun-Earth Day webcast scheduled to air on Saturday March 19th (2PM EST) but THIS MAY CHANGE. It's best to prepare for the day of the webcast, but have backup plans should time slip. Keep checking this website for webcast updates.
  • Decide how to run your Sun-Earth Day celebration. Will you be watching with only one class? Will you get the whole science department involved? Or will you bring the whole school to the auditorium?

Step 3: Get your technology in order

Connect to Nasa's ustream site

  • Watch the event and read the twitter conversation at the same time.
  • You can project this for the whole class to see, or use on individual computers.
  • ustream link

Twitter (Hash tag search link)

  • Open this as a separate page to view the conversation. Everyone talking about the webcast and tweetup will add #SED2011 or #NASATweetup to the end of their tweet.

Screenshot of Twitterfall


  • Show the whole conversation in real time, scrolling down your screen using this link. This can be projected along side the live broadcast.
  • Twitterfall link.

Make sure your school's security settings allow you to access these sites if you choose to use them.

Sign up for a twitter account if you haven't already so you can join in the conversation on launch day.

Test out your connections and the websites. Make sure images are clear and you have good audio.

Step 4: Celebrate Sun-Earth Day

  • Show the whole conversation in real time, scrolling down your screen using this link. This can be projected along side the live broadcast.
  • Plan your lessons leading up to Sun-Earth Day: Get your students pumped! They will be viewing a live webcast. The Sun-Earth Day team has waited for this day - join in the excitement!
  • Submit questions for NASA scientists ONE WEEK prior to the webcast, or on the day of using the #SED2011 hash tag on twitter. Your questions may be answered on Twitter and/or on the live webcast!
  • Wear Sun-themed clothes
  • Offer extra credit for sun-themed science projects
  • Play Solar Songs

Step 5: Reflect

  • Have students write their reactions to the webcast.
  • Use the time afterward to talk about careers at NASA, the science that might be done in the future, or what their idea of a scientist is.


Nearly identical eclipses (total, annual, or partial) occur after 18 years and 11 days, or every 6,585.32 days (Saros Cycle).