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Live Broadcast / Webcast:
Venus and the Search for Habitable Planets
Friday, March 19, 2004, 1-2 p.m. ET

Students and teachers are invited to join NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum and NASA's PlanetQuest Program to learn all about the 2004 Transit of Venus during a live broadcast from NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This interactive discussion will focus on what the Venus Transit can teach us about the search for planets beyond our solar system (more than 100 have been discovered so far). Taped video segments and interviews will also cover how to watch the transit safely, the impact of past transits in history, and why Earth's twin planet would be a deadly place to live.

The event can be viewed as a web cast for schools with high-speed Internet access or a broadcast for those with satellite receivers.

Responsible NASA Official: Dr. James Thiemann
Web Manager/Curator: Troy Cline
Web Designer/Curator: Lori Ann Persichitti Lopez
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