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Harper's Weekly was a popular, illustrated journal that began publishing in 1857 and continued to publish well into the 1900's. It was world-famous for its many illustrations, themselves works of art, executed in wood block engraving and later pen-and-ink. Civil War enthusiasts are very familiar with the Harper's Weekly-style of battle field art and reportage. The Venus Transits of 1874 and 1882 both found their stories told in this journal along-side articles that specialized in social commentary, politics and literature. Harper's Weekly ran a cover on April 28, 1883 that was unusual. It shows a group of children standing outside a cabin in Appalachia. One is holding a piece of smoked glass and watching the transit!

There was also an engraving showing a man and a woman observing the transit of Venus in 1769. Of course, viewing the sun in this way would have caused severe eye damage.

This satellite image, taken by the Swedish Vacuum Telescope of the May 2003 transit of Mercury, is a work of art but contains lots of important scientific information too!

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