Official Mission Page |
Mission Education Page |
Questions being researched: |
ACE -- Advanced Composition Explorer |
Cosmic and Heliospheric Learning Center |
- What is the isotopic composition of the solar corona, solar wind and the interstellar medium?
- How is the solar corona formed and accelerated to produce the solar wind?
Cluster II |
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- How does the solar wind interact with the magnetosphere?
- What does the 3-D structure of the plasma look like in the cusp and geotail regions at scales of 500 km?
CRRES -- Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite |
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- How does Earth's radiation environment affect microelectronic circuitry?
- What is the composition of the ions near the Earth?
- How does the magnetosphere interact with the ionosphere?
Equator-S |
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- How does the equatorial magnetosphere change during sub-storm events?
- How does the near-earth plasma belt change with time to account for auroral currents?
- How are the ion and electron beams produced which generate aurora?
FAST -- Fast Auroral Snapshot Explorer |
Education Page
Education Page |
- How do the particles and fields in the upper atmosphere change during an aurora?
GEC -- Geospace Electrodynamic Connections |
Education and Outreach Page |
- What mechanisms are responsible for the way that electrons interact with the ionosphere?
- How are processes in the ionosphere coupled to the magnetosphere?
- What are the important time and space scales that define energy transfer and dissipation in the ionosphere?
Genesis |
Education Page |
- What is the sun made of?
- Are the Earth and planets mad of the same stuff?
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- How does the magnetotail region produce high-energy particles?
- How does the magnetic field in the magnetotail region change with time?
- How do the particles and fields in the magnetotail, plasma sheet and magnetopause interact with each other?
RHESSI -- High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager |
Education Page
Explanation of Name Change
- How do particles such as electrons and protons get accelerated during solar flares?
- Where does the energy for powering these sudden releases originate?
- How is the magnetosphere changed by its interaction with the solar wind?
- How are plasmas transported from place to place within the magnetosphere?
- What causes magnetospheric plasmas to be lost from the system during storms?
IMP-8 -- Interplanetary Monitoring Platform |
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- What kinds of particles and fields exist in the Earth's magnetotail region?
- How does the magnetotail change in response to the solar wind?
Interball |
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- What is the relationship between processes in the geotail and the particle acceleration above the auroral oval?
- How do solar flares and X-ray bursts affect the geotail and cusp regions?
ISTP -- International Solar Terrestrial Physics |
ISTP Outreach |
- How do processes seen on the solar surface affect the Earth's space environment?
- How do particles flow from the Sun and enter the magnetosphere of the Earth?
MC -- Magnetospheric Constellation |
Education and Outreach Page |
- How does the magnetotail store, transport, and release matter and energy?
MMS -- Magnetospheric MultiScale |
Education and Outreach Page |
- How do small-scale processes control large-scale phenomenology, such as magnetotail dynamics, plasma entry into the magnetosphere, and substorm initiation?
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- What is the role of the ionosphere in geomagnetic storms?
- What are the properties of the particles and fields near the Earth's polar regions?
- How is energy from the magnetosphere deposited into the upper atmosphere and auroral regions?
SAMPEX -- Solar Anomalous Magnetosphere Explorer |
Outreach Page |
- How do high-energy particles entering the magnetosphere affect the Earth's upper atmosphere?
- What is the isotopic composition of solar flares?
- How are cosmic rays affected by the solar activity cycle?
SOHO -- Solar Heliospheric Observatory |
Stanford "Solar Center" |
- What processes in the Sun produce the solar wind?
- What is the internal structure of the Sun?
- What causes the activity seen on the surface of the Sun?
Solar-B |
Education and Outreach Page |
- What are the origins of solar activity?
Spartan 201-05 |
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- How does the solar corona expand to become the solar wind?
- What are the speeds and temperatures at the base of the solar wind?
- How is the solar wind accelerated?
Education and Outreach Page
Education and Outreach Page |
- How are coronal mass ejections produced?
- How do they evolve in the solar corona?
- How are CME particles accelerated?
- What is the 3-D structure of a CME enroute to the earth?
Education and Outreach Page |
- What are the physical properties of the winds in the upper
atmosphere of the earth in the ionosphere?
TRACE -- Transition Region and Coronal Explorer |
..Education Page |
- What is the 3-D structure of features seen on the Sun's surface?
- How is the corona heated?
- What triggers solar flares?
Education Outreach |
- What does the solar wind look like near the poles of the Sun?
- What does the Sun's magnetic field look like near its poles?
- How does the polar wind and magnetic field change during sunspot maximum conditions?
Voyager |
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- Where is the solar heliopause located beyond the orbit of Pluto?
- What are the properties of the interstellar medium?
- How does the interstellar medium interact with the solar wind?
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- What kinds of plasma interactions happen as the solar wind impacts the Earth's magnetosphere?
- How is energy transported out of the Earth's magnetosphere and into the up-stream solar wind?
Yohkoh |
YPOP Education page |
- How does the Sun produce X-ray flares and other activity?
- How does the level of activity change over time?
- How is the chromosphere and corona heated?