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Views With Observatories

Each observatory listed below made observations of Venus against the sun from sunrise to third and fourth contact. These images can be seen by clicking on the observatory name which will bring up that observatory's Image Viewer. For more information and instructions on using the image viewers, visit Viewing with Observatories

Participating Observatories

* University of Florida
* Howard University Astronomical Observatory
* Coca Cola Science Center
* South Florida Science Museum
* St. Paul's School
* St. Paul's School - H-Alpha Filter
* University of North Dakota, Delhi India
* Observatorio Astronomico de Minas, Uruguay
* Crosby Ramsey Memorial Observatory
* Dyer Observatory
* Fernbank Science Center
* Muncie Indiana Astronomy Club
* Burke-Gaffney Observatory (Overcast skies at this location, no images archived)

Safe Viewing Techniques

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Image of the Transit of Venus
Credit: Daniel del Valle, Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Venus Transit 
Credit: Lou Mayo

Image of the Transit of Venus
Credit: Lou Mayo
Image of the Transit of Venus
Photo:John J. Lopinot,
The Palm Beach Post.

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Responsible NASA Official: Dr. James Thiemann
Web Manager/Curator: Troy Cline
Web Designer/Curator: Lori Ann Persichitti Lopez
Additional Credits

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