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National Aeronautics and Space Administration

Goddard Space Flight Center

Space Weather Action Center

Space Weather Action Center


Alaska Tutorial

You will be able to get magnetometer data from several sites in Alaska. These magnetometer sites are part of the Geophysical Institute Magnetometer Array. You will be studying data from three sites; Kaktovik, Ft. Yukon, and Poker Flat. The Alaska link will provide you with plots like the ones below.

Graph of data from Alaska Magnetometer.

Above: Graph of data from Alaska Magnetometer. THIS IMAGE IS NOT LIVE DATA.

This shows the horizontal component 'H' magnetograms for three locations in Alaska. Previously you were given the X-component (north-south) and the Y-component (east-west). The H-component is the size of the entire horizontal part of the magnetic field. It is a special combination of the X and Y. Again the large average field strength is subtracted so that you can see changes more easily. The greater the deflection or difference from zero, the greater the storm.

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